Vintage Dresser Re Loved into Sink Vanity

Happy New Week.
Summer is flying by.  I am such a summer girl and this is my season.  Love when we have sun filled lazy days of summer.

I had this dresser and it is one of my favorite dressers.   I just felt it needed a change up so Terry got his wonderful tools out and made my vision happen.  

Here is my sweet little dresser with the antique door knobs we put on it for the drawer pulls.  Looked cute here in my dining room with the picket fencing above it but it was time for it to have new purpose.

This was the only before picture of the vanity I could find in my pictures.  I forgot to take a before picture.  It was a small skinny vanity that I chippied up some time ago.  I hated how the sink jetted out over the vanity.    I just wanted to repurpose my cute dresser into something nice for our bathroom instead of this stock vanity with the crazy sink.

So here it the space after Terry pulled out the old vanity.

Terry put in a new sink and we used the faucet from the other sink.

Terry hinged the middle drawer front so we could get at the plumbing if necessary.

Now if necessary we can get at the plumbing and I have some storage.  The bottom drawer was left the way it was and can be used for storage too.

So now one of my favorite dressers has been re purposed into a new vanity for our master bathroom.

Have a great start to the week ahead.

Something to Talk About
Tweak It Tuesday
Make It Pretty Monday
What's It Wednesday


  1. Oh Kris, this is NICE! Great job! The before was actually pretty innovative and very shabby chic, but the second one is definitely better with the sink set inside. GREAT JOB, TERRY!

  2. I swear, you guys make this stuff looks too easy. Wonderful job, love the hinged drawer front. Once again, brilliant.

  3. Once again, absolutely gorgeous! I plan to do this in the half bath of our new house and cannot wait to find a cute piece of furniture to use. I love using cute pieces of furniture for more than what they were originally made for! Beautiful, beautiful!! Have a wonderful day!

  4. Kris, You and Terry are a great team. I love that dresser. I think it's adorable as a vanity and so clever of Terry to make that access place. You two need your own TV make over show. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. Looks great those knobs!


  6. Nice! I love it when our hubbys bring our dreams to fruition. :)

  7. Presto chango- magically transformed! I love your new repurposed vanity and new sink Kris! It fits perfectly into the room and it's just your style. Love!

  8.!!! are you sure you want him to find a job??? ;)

  9. Oh my goodness - what a great idea to re purpose the vanity - looks wonderful and goes so well with your style.
    Have a wonderful day, Erin
    P.S. I think you and Terry are an amazing team and should start a business re-purposing and decorating!

  10. Very pretty. Your husband is so creative. It's so nice to have a handy husband - I have one, too. We are blessed.

  11. So perfect!! Love love love this!

  12. Fabulous idea and Terry did a great job again, Kris! Your bathroom is gorgeous!

  13. LOVE IT!!! You have a keeper there as far as your hubby goes Kris. Mine would first stare at me in unbelief, before saying really? you're kidding, right? :)))
    sending hugs...

  14. This is SOOO CUTE, Kris!! I love old pieces of furniture being used as vanities!
    Mary Alice

  15. Darling~~~It's perfect! Blessings, Roxie

  16. It's adorable Kris! I love it to pieces!!! XOX

  17. Wow! What a great piece. It shows to advantage even better now. You have one talented husband!

  18. I LOVE old pieces of furniture turned into a vanity...yours looks awesome Kris!!

  19. WOW, that looks great. I like it so much better than the other one. Terry is so talented and always does such a wonderful job on your projects.
    Enjoy your new bathroom.

  20. This is completely and totally fabulous, Kris!! I love it. Wow!!! Now it's my turn to share the exclamation points!!! ;)

  21. Very, very cute, Kris! I think you should keep Mr. JCC, he's pretty handy to have around ~ LOL!! It seems your master bath is getting a full makeover! Enjoy! Blessings, Cindy

  22. Beautiful Kris! It`s so cute and so you! Great job!

  23. Good Morning Kris
    Oh I love the way it came out. Love the new sink with it also. You always have the best ideas and your so lucky your husband can help make them happen, fun fun fun
    have a great day Kris

  24. The DIY twins strike again! Lol! This turned out so wonderfully! One of my favorite home decor items is a vanity made from an old dresser and your little dresser was just perfect for the project! Congrats on another project well done! Hugs and Happy Monday, Leena

  25. Love love love it Kris! What a brilliant idea and it looks amazing!

  26. So super cute! I would love to find a small chest for my powder room.

  27. Kris, this is absolutely adorable in your bath, and fits the space perfectly!!

  28. Kris, I love this sweet little dresser, and love how you've repurposed it! You and Terry have worked your magic yet again! :)

  29. Gorgeous as I have said many times two are a great team! have the vision and that marvelous Terry gives you that labor of love!!!....Miss you!!!

  30. I love that dresser and the sweet vintage door knobs. It looks just as fabulous as a vanity in your bathroom!

  31. Love how this turned out! Pretty smart to leave the one drawer hinged to have access to the plumbing too. I probably would have forgotten to do that. Lol!

  32. Love, love,love this. John is good but not this good. Amazing touch with the kboba


  33. That is so cute! I love sinks being put into a piece of furniture like that.

  34. You are a genius---this is awesome!!! And that Terry, do you loan him out? Ha! I love it, Kris, great job! :)

    Jane x

  35. What a great idea, and I love it. You too make such a great team! Looks perfect in the bathroom!

  36. Love it Kris! It turned out perfect.

  37. Your vanity was perfect before and now it is above perfection. You two are amazing. Jo

  38. Hi Kris, I LOVE this. Beautiful before but this turned out perfect in your bathroom. You two are incredible. Beautiful job!!
    Have a great week. Hugs, cm

  39. Love, love, LOVE it Kris! I have always been a fan of furniture turned into vanities - so much charm. Jane

  40. Love it Kris! I have an old dresser as a sink console on our basement bath and I love it!

  41. Kris, this is just a wonderful change. I have no room for a vanity in our tiny bathroom, but an old dresser would be my choice.

    Enjoy these lovely days of summer.

  42. love the dresser. But thought the other sink was nice also. Will you repurpose the old somewhere...maybe in your garden? Or may be donate it to Habitat. You and your guy are an awesome talented team.

    1. Thanks for your suggestion for Habitat. We actually gave it to our local Goodwill. Hmmmm I did not think about it for the garden that would have been probably a cool piece somewhere. Thanks for your visit and suggestion.

    2. I thought for sure I was going to see it tucked into a background of garden greenery and the bowl overflowing with pink petunias or some other similar flowers. I think if I lived near you I would want to shop at the locations you donate to. LOL. Love visiting your blog. Was gone from home for a couple of days and after unloading the car and getting my hubby were my next stop. You are such an inspiration for me.

    3. Nope it will be someone else's treasure. Thanks always for your visits. I appreciate your kind comments always. Have a wonderful Friday and great week end.

  43. What a great idea and it looks fabulous. Love the antique door knobs for drawer pulls.

  44. Your repurpose came out great!!! You and Terry make a great team!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  45. Wow Kris. It looks fantastic. Great job using a well loved piece in a new way. Milena

  46. Great job Kris and Terry! Lucky lady to have a "Terry" around the house!

  47. I love it, a great idea. Well done to Terry. :-)

  48. Great repurposing! I like how he hinged the drawers to make it accessible for plumbing purposes, if need be! You and your husband are a great team! :)

  49. Your dresser turned out so well as the bathroom vanity!
    I've always wanted to try this.

  50. How beautiful is this! I love your shabby chic style...the all white is so fresh!

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