Spring Craft Decor Project

Happy Sunday.
Thought I would share a little craft project I decided to do as part of my Easter Decor for my table setting.

It was easy peasy to do and cost less than a $1 to make.

I had the little white ceramic egg cups.  So I went to Michael's Craft Store and got some faux spring flowers. $2.99 a bunch and 40% off.  Great deal and these moss balls for $4.99 a bag of 6 with 40% off too.

I cut the moss balls in half with a sharp knife.  They are some kind of styrofoam balls underneath so they cut easily.

I put 1/2 of each ball into each of the cups.  It fit perfectly upside down to give the appearance of grass growing.

Then I clips the stems of the flower bunches into individual stems.  Easy peasy with wire cutters.  Then I stuck each of the stems into the half moss ball.  They stuck in easily and I did not have to glue anything.  This way after Easter I can take these apart and not ruin my egg cups.

I am going to put one of these at each of the place setting for my Easter Table.  I have a yellow and white theme going on for my table.  Hope to have my Easter table setting to show you soon.
Have a wonderful start to the new week.
Something to Talk About
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Inspire Me Tuesday


  1. Kris, Those are so cute. I like the idea of yellow and white. You will be able to use those over and over. Claudia over at Mockingbird Hill, has been showing her egg cup collection for this past week...she has an amazing collection. Hope you are having some sunshine today. I am going to be showing my daughter your feature in the Romantic Country magazine. xoxo,Susie

  2. Super idea! Can't wait to see you tablescape!

  3. What a brilliant idea at a great price, they are just so happy and springy. I love them :)

  4. Kris, these are wonderful! I have an antique chicken feeder that I will be using on my table, and I want to fill it with votives. Simple but lit up to celebrate! Have a wonderful Sunday, Anita

  5. So elegant and simple. I enjoy seeing your sweet creations!

  6. Oh- WHAT a cute idea, Kris. You could add a name to them and make them place tags, too. Just darling. You are clever, my friend! xo Diana

  7. Very creative and cute Kris-love it!

  8. I love how you used those egg cups for daffodils! Very clever! Yellow and white just spells Spring to me. Your table will be beautiful.

  9. So pretty.....love those little egg cups!!!
    Happy Easter!!!

  10. Very cute and creative and clever! I think the White and Yellow theme will look pretty. Looking forward to photos of your Easter table.

  11. Love this idea! I have those balls, too. Good to know you can cut them to fit your container. Wish I had those egg cups, though. It's been a dream of mine to start a jadeite egg cup collection, but so far I only have one:)

  12. Oh so cute, and easy! I love projects like this. it is so Spring looking and sweet. I have found vintage eggs cups, all different over the years, and do love them so. What a pretty Spring setting you have created!

  13. Very cute Kris. Have a lovely week also! x J

  14. This is such a cute idea, Kris...and I love that it's easy!
    Mary Alice

  15. Kris,
    Super duper idea you had here and even better because it's an easy one.


  16. Really cute idea, Kris! I have several egg cups and some flowers, guess I'd need to get a few moss balls, but I might do a similar project! This is unless I get put on a case tomorrow when I appear at superior court for jury duty!! Enjoy your week! Blessings, Cindy xoxo

  17. Super sweet! I love these, Kris!

  18. Oh so cute, Kris! I'm going to remember this idea for the next Easter/spring get-together we host. Our girls are spending Easter with their in-laws, so no little bunnies hopping around the house this year. Now let's hope the weather cooperates!

  19. How adorable, Kris! I love the moss balls! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Pretty Pretty! And simple makes it perfect. Love this idea Kris! Happy Monday!

  21. So pretty and easy enough to do. I love it!
    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  22. Kris your table will be beautiful with those darling egg cups. Surely your visitors will feel special. Hugs, Jo

  23. simple is good and so charming Kris!

  24. What a clever and lovely idea! I' m sure your easter table will be adorable

  25. Such a wonderful idea!! I love how they look in the egg cups. The epitome of spring!!! Have a beautiful week and very happy and blessed Easter!! xo

    ~ Wendy

  26. So very pretty!! Perfect for your Easter table :)

  27. So cute and clever! I love the idea of using them at the Easter place settings. Michael's always delivers when it comes to pretty flowers!

  28. So pretty, my favorite, daffodils


  29. Aren't these the cutest. Wonderfully easy idea.
    I bought my copy of Romantic Country yesterday and had a quick flip through it.
    I am keeping this issue for sure. Look at all the decorating changes you have made since then.
    Pretty amazing.

  30. These scream of spring and are just gorgeous for the Easter holidays. Love them!! x

  31. Oh if I was sitting at your table, I would have a smile on my face knowing that I will be looking at those wonderful flower filled egg cups....very pretty and oh so creative Kris!

  32. Kris, I love how delicate and sweet these are! I am honored and just tickled that you shared with me for Something to Talk About! Have a great week!

  33. These are so sweet! I was so happy you stopped by the other day... I am a fan of your style! :) Hope you have a great week! ~julie

  34. I'm in at the moss balls part...those are adorable...and I can think of so many fun things to make with them. You made a cute little display and it will shine for Easter.


  35. A pretty idea, perfect for the holiday.

  36. I LOVE those Birdcage Napkin ring holders. Where did you get them? Pardon me if you mentioned it in your post. Only had time to skim before running off to work this morning. Love your tablescape. I have been so busy with other projects that I didn't even decorate this year. I am supposed to host this year but I got hit with a bad cold so I think I am going to hand Easter off to my Mom.

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I found them at Stein Mart a few years ago. I only have 4 so I have looked for them sense but no luck in finding them again. They are the sweetest little napkin ring holders.
      Have a great Easter.

  37. these would make the cutest place card holders, too! thanks for sharing, kris:)

  38. Hi Kris! How cute are these? Great idea and I love daffodils! Yellow and white is a perfect color scheme for Easter and spring! I have made moss balls before to sell in my Etsy store. In fact, I'm getting ready to make more and some lavender ones too. Jim thougt I was crazy LOL but we know how fun they are to decorate with and yes, they sold! LOL! Guess the joke was on him :) Hope your Easter was wonderful and joyous! Hugs, Leena

